Friday, February 13, 2009

Myanmar People and Races - Note "Rohinja" is not included

Myanmar People and Races

Myanmar is a union of 135 ethnic groups with their own languages and
dialects. The major races are the Kachin, the Kayah, the Kayin, the
Chin, the Mon, the Bamar, the Rakhine, and the Shan. The name Myanmar
embraces all the ethnic groups.

Composition of the Different Ethnic Groups under the 8 Major National
Ethnic Races in Myanmar.

Kachin comprises 12 different ethnic groups.

(1) Kachin
(2) Taron
(3) Dalaung
(4) Jinghpaw
(5) Guari
(6) Hkahku
(7) Duleng
(8) Maru (Lawgore)
(9) Rawang
(10) Lashi (La Chit)
(11) Atsi
(12) Lisu

Kayah comprises 9 different ethnic groups.

(13) Kayah
(14) Zayein
(15) Ka-Yun (Padaung)
(16) Gheko
(17) Kebar
(18) Bre (Ka-Yaw)
(19) Manu Manaw
(20) Yin Talai
(21) Yin Baw

Kayin comprises 11 different ethnic groups.

(22) Kayin
(23) Kayinpyu
(24) Pa-Le-Chi
(25) Mon Kayin (Sarpyu)
(26) Sgaw
(27) Ta-Lay-Pwa
(28) Paku
(29) Bwe
(30) Monnepwa
(31) Monpwa
(32) Shu (Pwo)

Chin comprises 53 different ethnic groups.

(33) Chin
(34) Meithei (Kathe)
(35) Saline
(36) Ka-Lin-Kaw (Lushay)
(37) Khami
(38) Awa Khami
(39) Khawno
(40) Kaungso
(41) Kaung Saing Chin
(42) Kwelshin
(43) Kwangli (Sim)
(44) Gunte (Lyente)
(45) Gwete
(46) Ngorn
(47) Zizan
(48) Sentang
(49) Saing Zan
(50) Za-How
(51) Zotung
(52) Zo-Pe
(53) Zo
(54) Zahnyet (Zanniet)
(55) Tapong
(56) Tiddim (Hai-Dim)
(57) Tay-Zan
(58) Taishon
(59) Thado
(60) Torr
(61) Dim
(62) Dai (Yindu)
(63) Naga
(64) Tanghkul
(65) Malin
(66) Panun
(67) Magun
(68) Matu
(69) Miram (Mara)
(70) Mi-er
(71) Mgan
(72) Lushei (Lushay)
(73) Laymyo
(74) Lyente
(75) Lawhtu
(76) Lai
(77) Laizao
(78) Wakim (Mro)
(79) Haulngo
(80) Anu
(81) Anun
(82) Oo-Pu
(83) Lhinbu
(84) Asho (Plain)
(85) Rongtu

Bamar comprises 9 ethnic groups.

(86) Bamar
(87) Dawei
(88) Beik
(89) Yaw
(90) Yabein
(91) Kadu
(92) Ganan
(93) Salon
(94) Hpon

Mon comprises 1 ethnic groups.

(95) Mon

Rakhine comprises 7 ethnic groups.

(96) Rakhine
(97) Kamein
(98) Kwe Myi
(99) Daingnet
(100) Maramagyi
(101) Mro
(102) Thet

Shan comprises 33 ethnic groups.

(103) Shan
(104) Yun (Lao)
(105) Kwi
(106) Pyin
(107) Yao
(108) Danaw
(109) Pale
(110) Eng
(111) Son
(112) Khamu
(113) Kaw (Akha-E-Kaw)
(114) Kokant
(115) Khamti Shan
(116) Hkun
(117) Taungyo
(118) Danu
(119) Palaung
(120) Man Zi
(121) Yin Kya
(122) Yin Net
(123) Shan Gale
(124) Shan Gyi
(125) Lahu
(126) Intha
(127) Eik-swair
(128) Pa-O
(129) Tai-Loi
(130) Tai-Lem
(131) Tai-Lon
(132) Tai-Lay
(133) Maingtha
(134) Maw Shan
(135) Wa

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